Welcome to EmpowerWise Coaching
EmpowerWise Coaching Offers the Following Services:
Aptitude Testing for Students Exploring Careers
Students constantly feel the pressure of performance. Often times they don’t even know what they like to do because they are so busy doing what they are supposed to do.
Many will discover years into their college commitment that their choice of study is not what they expected. Some may even find that the path that they have chosen feels absolutely miserable.
Before wasting thousands of dollars on a degree program, invest in finding out what you’re naturally good at—that thing inside you that sparks of purpose and passion. Take the time to consider your unique strengths and what matters most. If you do, the rewards will last a lifetime.
Download the brochure and read about the Highlands Ability Battery (tHAB) here.
Discuss HAB aptitude testing and begin your journey of discovery in a complimentary, 30 minute zoom call. Schedule here
Adult Aptitude Testing
How would you rate your career satisfaction? Do you feel like something’s missing? Do you feel a rumbling for change?
If you’re like most of us, you never stopped to take the time to really consider what career would be a good fit. You jumped into a career because of external pressures or expectations and now you’re wishing for something more.
No matter where you are in your career journey, there’s still time! Discover what makes you tick and experience the profound satisfaction of enjoying what you do - whether that means enhancing your current career or making a complete career change.
Read more about the Highlands Ability Battery (tHAB) here.
Discuss the HAB in a complimentary, 30 minute zoom call. Schedule here.
All photos taken by Stephanie Corrine Thompson unless otherwise noted.