About Cindy Foote:
Cindy Foote is the wife of Christian worship songwriter Billy Foote, who wrote songs that spread around the globe, such as “You Are My King (Amazing Love) (performed and recorded by Passion; Phillips, Craig & Dean and NewSong), “Sing to the King” (performed and recorded by Passion) and “You Are God Alone” (recorded by Phillips, Craig and Dean).
Billy and Cindy have been married for 25 years and have three daughters, who were internationally adopted from China, Ethiopia, and Haiti. Cindy has been singing since the fourth grade and attended college at Charleston Southern University in her hometown of Charleston, SC, with a full vocal scholarship. After graduating, Cindy moved to Ft. Worth, TX, where she received a Master’s Degree in Church and Community Ministries from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and met Billy at a local church.
Billy and Cindy traveled the nation leading worship for hundreds of youth camps, church revivals, and events during the first half of their marriage. They also recorded many of their own CDs - most still available on digital music platforms.
During that time, Cindy also worked with refugees, hosted a house church in San Antonio, grew a love for diverse cultures/missions/adoption, and led worship nationwide. She has spent the last 17 years raising her daughters (Libby, age 18, Gracie, age 15, and Sunny, age 20) and serving in her local church at Hillside Christian Church in Amarillo, TX. Cindy is also a CASA volunteer serving local foster children/teens through relationship and advocacy.
Cindy is well acquainted with early childhood trauma as a parent of adopted children and is Trauma Informed Care (TIC) Certified to be able to communicate and work effectively with students/leaders with trauma backgrounds as related to coaching. Cindy can identify when a client needs counseling rather than, or in addition to, coaching.
Speaking of counseling, Cindy is currently pursuing her second master's degree, a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Columbia International University. In addition, she is the founder and CEO of EmpowerWise Coaching (EWC). EWC offers a scientific aptitude test for students, adults, and leaders to deepen self-awareness, examine thoughts, develop actionable plans, and create a vision for the future. Coaching packages are currently closed due to Cindy’s commitment to graduate school.
photo cred: Jackie Nammathao Photography

MA in Church & Community Ministries from SWBTS
Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
Highlands Co Consultant (3 years)
Trauma Informed Care Certified (TIC)
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Thearpy Certified (TF-CBT)
Second Year Clinical Mental Health Graduate Student online at Columbia International University
20+ Years in Ministry - worship leading, songwriting/recording, teaching, discipling/mentoring
25 Years Married
18 Years Adoptive Mom of 3 Internationally Adopted Daughters
7 Years in Successful Online Sales
15 Years Experience with and Advocating for Special Needs; specifically: ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Attachment Disorder, Auditory Processing Disorder, Trichotillomania, Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome, Chiari Malformation, and Epilepsy
Three years coaching