The Highlands Ability Battery (Individual)


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Highlands Ability Battery


Note: The HAB individual purchase can be found above. An email with HAB registration and instructions will be sent within 24 hours of payment.

We are all born with innate abilities that make certain types of tasks more desirable to us than others. 

People are most fulfilled in their careers when they find an environment that allows them to work primarily from those gifts and natural abilities. The Highlands Ability Battery (tHAB) is an objective and comprehensive method to determine what those abilities are in a convenient, high-tech, online format. 

We can all improve and acquire skills. But it takes tremendous effort to do something well for which we are not naturally built. We will achieve fewer results and far less satisfaction doing work that doesn’t align with our natural talents and abilities.

The HAB measures 14 abilities, 3 personal style dimensions, and one skill. The abilities:

  • Diagnostic Thinking is an aptitude for recognizing a common relationship among seemingly discrete or unrelated notions or ideas. Strong diagnostic thinkers typically perform well when a premium is placed on rapidly identifying solutions or understanding complex problems often found in the medical, legal and various consulting fields.

  • Analytical Thinking: is an aptitude to recognize structure among related ideas. People with strong analytical ability gravitate towards the logical sequencing of facts, events or processes often found in engineering, computer programming, accounting-finance and editing fields.

  • Idea Productivity is the rate at which a person offers ideas; a measure of the quantity of ideas, not their quality. In addition to roles within fields such as advertising, marketing and writing, the ability enhances persuading, selling and communication.

  • Spatial Relations Theory is the ability to understand the theoretical underpinnings or the interconnectedness of mechanical or interpersonal systems.

  • Spatial Relations Visualization or Structural Visualization is the ability to perceive objects in three dimensions. People strong in this ability need a connection to the hands-on or concrete world often found in mechanical, dental, scientific, engineering, architectural and artistic fields.

  • Observation is the ability to recall objects and changes in a person’s field of vision.

  • Design Memory is the ability to visualize, recall, and expand on a two-dimensional graphic or design; useful in fields such as biology, architecture, fashion, and art history.

  • Verbal Memory is the ability to remember material presented in written form and to associate words or terms that relate to each other.

  • Tonal Memory is the ability to remember and differentiate between musical tones; the memory for melodies and harmonies; a measure of the ability to learn by listening.

  • Rhythm Memory is the ability to perceive and remember rhythmic patterns and actions; relates to the process of learning through movement (kinesthetics).

  • Pitch Discrimination is the ability to perceive and identify minute differences in sounds on a tonal scale; relates to the ability to detect fine differences in taste, touch, and the other senses.

  • Number Memory is the ability to remember non-associated numbers. The student sees multi-digit numbers and is asked to reproduce them. This is a valuable ability in inventory control, stock trading, and retail sales.

  • Visual Speed and Visual Accuracy is the speed and accuracy with which one sees and processes numbers, letters, and symbols.

The three personal style dimensions the HAB measures influence a person’s response to other people and the optimal work environment. The three personal style dimensions:

  • The Generalist/Specialist scale where generalists are group workers and have an easy time working through and with other people; specialists prefer to contribute independently and to develop “their own thing;”

  • The Extrovert/Introvert scale where extroverts are energized by others, think out loud, and need people to work with and talk to, and introverts are self-energized, reflective thinkers and work well quietly on their own.

  • Time Frame Orientation measures how far out into the future a person prefers to set and work toward targets. This can influence the length of time a person expects to achieve goals such as the difference between project work and strategic planning.

The one skill:

Vocabulary measures the linguistic level at which a person expresses thoughts and concepts to others – a vital predictor of success and performance levels at work.

Reports: Your natural abilities will be charted and explained in a 30 + page, customized report designed to match your pattern of abilities with the best work and school environments and career fit. It also includes a Career Report with career matches hyperlinked for further research, Learning Strategies Report, Leadership Report and more!

Debrief: Cindy will debrief the report with you in a 90 minute - 2 hour meeting. She will interpret the results and help you identify where and how your unique pattern of abilities can best be leveraged in your studies and career journey. The debrief is what sets the Highlands Ability Battery apart. There is power in feedback and Cindy is extensively trained to interpret scores keeping the whole person in mind.

Organizations: can take advantage of tHAB for their employees and help them determine if they are in the right “seat” for greatest productivity, satisfaction and joy. Group debriefs available for org teams of 5 or more.

Private and Charter Schools: can also take advantage of tHAB for their students. Group debriefs at a discount are available to private and charter schools who have 10 or more students committed to taking the HAB by a pre-determined date and coming together for one group debrief (in person or over zoom). Group debriefs are less customized, but more affordable.